Meet Yousif & Vivian
Yousif and Vivian joined GRN in late 2013. Yousif is a trained recordist doing field trips and working in the studio with existing recordings, as well as undertaking translation work. Vivian works in the Admin department with the promotions team.

Yousif was born into a Christian family in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan and brought up in Khartoum. He received Jesus as a high school student.
Yousif has a background as a visual artist and has studied theology and linguistics.
Yousif married Vivian, a teacher from the Collo tribe of South Sudan. In 1998 they travelled to Cairo – Egypt with their children because of the civil war.
In 1999 Vivian worked with Joint Relief Ministry, while Yousif worked in a Catholic school and studied theology. Yousif volunteered with Trans World Radio – Sudanese program.
In 2006 they arrived in Melbourne, Australia with their four children, Ann and Ben (twins), Beacky and Mer.
Yousif is a trained recordist. Vivian is interested in organising events and is a member of the promotions team.
We welcome you to partner with Yousif and Vivian and their family as they work with GRN to tell the good news of Jesus in every language.
Yousif was born into a Christian family in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan and brought up in Khartoum. He received Jesus as a high school student.
After graduating from the College of Fine Arts, Yousif served with Campus Crusade for Christ in 1990 for three years and with Sudan Interior Mission – Arabic Ministries for four years.
Yousif married Vivian, a teacher from the Collo tribe of South Sudan. In 1998 they travelled to Cairo – Egypt with their children because of the civil war.
In 1999 Vivian worked with Joint Relief Ministry, while Yousif worked in a Catholic school and studied theology. Yousif volunteered with Trans World Radio – Sudanese program.
In 2006 they arrived in Melbourne, Australia with their four children, Ann and Ben (twins), Beacky and Mer.
Yousif is a trained recordist. Vivian is interested in organising events and is a member of the promotions team.
We welcome you to partner with Yousif and Vivian and their family as they work with GRN to tell the good news of Jesus in every language.

Yousif and Vivian are Partner Agency Missionaries with Global Recordings Network and Australian Presbyterian World Mission.