A request for GRN resources

One of the Sierra Leone communities where GRN resources are used
David used to be a recordist with GRN. He uses the GRN flipcharts for evangelism in remote parts of Sierra Leone. He would like some new picture flipcharts but there are many challenges. Here’s what he wrote:

“I want to thank you [GRN] for everything, making it possible for making effort for me to get these flipcharts.

The only concern now is I don’t have any postal address where you can send them and I am not financially strong enough to DHL them, so I don’t know how much you guys can help us as at the moment I am in a very remote place using the remaining one we have.

The fellowship we are using them can’t afford them to get them through DHL … we don’t have that money. I can’t compromise that truth – so I don’t know how much you guys can help us.

Financially we are not strong. For the past 5 years now I have not working – just going and living remote trying to survive at the same time pushing the work of God making sure that people get the Word- even the most remote places. In Sierra Leone and beyond Sierra Leone.”

GRN loves to help passionate evangelists like David be equipped with GRN recordings and picture flipcharts to tell people about Jesus in the most remote of places. This is only possible through donations to the GRN general fund.

Visit https://grnuk.org/give/ and select “General Donation” to help evangelists and churches receive GRN resources.

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