GRN UK is a non-profit mission organisation
Our Heavenly Father is the source of all good things, and He uses various channels to supply our needs. Our main ‘strategy’ for raising funds is to bring our needs to the Lord in prayer. We do not use aggressive or manipulative fundraising techniques.
Our audio recordings can be downloaded free of charge, and our other materials, including picture books and mp3 players, are supplied at or below cost.
We are very thankful that God moves the hearts of His people to give funds that enable us to carry on His work.
Give Online via Stewardship
You can give online through our giving portal, Stewardship. Follow the link in the button to give securely to Global Recordings Network United Kingdom:
Bank Details:
GRNUK is a non profit organisation which operates primarily from the gifts of God’s people. If you would like to give to our work at GRNUK that would be great. You can do this by paying directly into our Natwest Bank account
Account Name: Global Recordings Network UK.
Account Number: 83464697.
Sort Code: 601101.