As you read all these exciting things that are happening around the world you might wonder what on earth are all these people doing in our Australian office to tell the story of Jesus in every language? Our Look, Listen and Live script is planned to be recorded in Malayalam, a major Indian language, this year. The translation is now complete and recording should start soon. This recording will then be used to translate the script into a minor Indian language with few if any Christians amongst their number.
Engaging with Bible agencies in Australia and the Pacific has been a recent focus. We are looking for opportunities to provide training so translated Bibles can be recorded for populations who often do not read their own language. Please pray for God to open doors for this work to grow and develop.
New studios are on the drawing board, and we plan on talking to some builders soon. Please pray for those who are working on the plans and will then engage the builders. These studios will be used for training, recording and video purposes. The concept of ‘recording teams’ has been developing as the range and depth of expertise needed to produce good recordings grows with changing technology and listener expectations. Training is being planned for our Asia/Pacific people and will require input from the Australian studio team.
The 5fish Android App is getting a facelift from our IS team. 5fish enables anyone with a device and internet connection to access God’s word in over 7,000 languages and speech varieties in about 30 seconds. Our Rekordo App is being developed for our recording teams to help them with many aspects of recording process. It can be used offline and we hope will make our field people’s life a lot easier. It is a major focus for our IS team.

We visit churches, small groups and conferences. We seek to encourage God’s people and we invite you to join us in this exciting ministry. God answers your prayers to enable recordings to be made and distributed. He works in hearts and minds to bring people to repentance and faith as they hear God’s word spoken. Your financial gifts enable our office to run and directly supports GRN offices, recording and distribution in 10 different countries.
A big need we have right now is for an accountant. Please pray for God’s provision of a suitable person. Like all positions here GRN pays a small allowance and we look to God to make up the difference – usually through the person’s church and others led to invest in their ministry.
If you would like someone to come and visit your church or group, or you would like to join our online monthly prayer meeting at 7:30pm on the 4th Tuesday of the month, please contact the office here. We regularly thank God for each one he prompts to join us as we tell the story of Jesus in every language.