5fish tells the story of Jesus in over 6,700 different languages and speech varieties (pc word for dialects).
This includes nearly 6,500 different speech varieties of standard GRN programs mostly recorded by GRN recordists over the years.
However, that’s not all! These are the organisations we partner with to put more content in 5fish:
- Jesus Film Project (Jesus Film Project – An Christian Media Ministry) – Copyright – Jesus Film Project
- Faith Comes By Hearing (Hosanna Ministries) (Home – Faith Comes By Hearing) – Media Kit – Faith Comes By Hearing
- Davar Partners Internatinal (Audio Bible Ministry | Bible Recordings | Davar Audio Bibles)
- Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. (Wycliffe Bible Translators | Christian Mission Organizations | Wycliffe Bible Translators)
- Biblica, Inc. (https://www.biblica.com/) – Biblica Brand Assets – Biblica – The International Bible Society
And it’s not easy to just add different forms of content, so these organisations provide the infrastructure to make it possible:
- The Digital Bible Library (United Bible Societies) (Digital Bible Library (thedigitalbiblelibrary.org))
- The Bible Brain API (Faith Comes By Hearing) (Bible Brain – Faith Comes By Hearing)
- API.Bible (For All Things Bible)
- Jesus Film API (Arclight)
The infrastructure 5fish and our websites use to access the content are called Application Programmable Interfaces (APIs).
The Jesus Film Project provides the JESUS Film plus lots of other quality film media useful for evangelism and discipleship. We access this content via an API developed by Arclight.
FCBH provides the Bible Brain API which allows us to access to Bible 1,800 versions in 1,600 languages. These Bibles are owned by many different organisations (including FCBH and Wycliffe). Each Bible is available in some combination of audio, text, and video. Most versions have both dramatized and non-dramatized audio. LUMO has produced films for Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. They are videos with the audio dubbed over them. They have films for 1,300 Bible versions in 1,200 languages. We access LUM films via the Bible Brain API. Davar, Wycliffe, and Biblica provide their Bible content via The Digital Bible Library.
We are thankful to our partners. It is wonderful to work together to make God’s word available in many different forms from one place.
Hint: Did you know that you can cast 5fish content to your ChromeCast device? Then you can watch it on your big screen!